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Of course, you can always get the best of both worlds by using After Effects CC and the MXF codec, if your hardware is capable of running After Effects this means that you can make use of hardware accelerated playback within After Effects, which will give you a HUGE speed boost, even more so than having more powerful hardware pronouns in english to work in.
Both YouTube and Netflix have recently started to include the option to playback in shooting mode which uses the latest x264 h.264 codecs. You can even have more than one camera taking pictures in this mode, but youll need to set up the project properly for it to work effectively. With the latest versions of After Effects, you can stream directly to the Final Cut Pro ProRes 422 codec, allowing you to import and work on projects in FCPX, and even play them back using the latest versions of FCP. Otherwise, you can stream the output of your After Effects composition directly to your favourite web-based compositor like OBS. Theres a huge range of options available to make your animation play back optimally in your editing software of choice
If your hardware is capable of playing back After Effects, then that is the way to go in production for me. But if your hardware isnt capable of playing back After Effects, then you need to get a version of After Effects that can run on your hardware that gives you a better analysing time from your system, eg. CPU and RAM. This will make a huge difference to how slow or responsive you feel when using your editing software. Each piece of editing software has different amounts of effort that it needs to make, and advantages of action If your edit is very CPU-intensive, then youll need the best hardware you can afford.
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