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watch online free tevar full movie 2015 hd 1080p online movie in good quality you can watch online for free without annoying of advertising just right click and choose save as/save link as then save the link to your computer.q: sql server : change format of date i need to change a format of a date to yyyymmdd from a column with a string date. i’m using this : cast (convert(varchar(10), convert(date, ‘1/1/2000’)) as date) but i want yyyymmdd thanks for your help. a: try with the following – cast (convert(varchar(10), convert(date, ‘1/1/2000’)) as date) example: declare @date varchar(25) set @date = ‘1/1/2000’ select cast(@date as date) output: 2000-01-01 a: you can use: cast (convert(varchar(10), convert(date, ‘1/1/2000’)) as date) or: cast (convert(varchar(10), convert(date, ‘1/1/2000’)) +” + cast(cast(datepart(dw,cast(datepart(dw,convert(varchar(10), convert(date, ‘1/1/2000’)) as date)) as int)) as varchar(2)) as date) output: 2011-11-10 i think it is better to use the second method because you have control of the format. a: using a direct cast may not work as you expect. the cast() function has a few important characteristics. 1) when casting a string to a date, it tries to parse the string to a date time first. if this is not successful, then it will simply cast the string to a date. 2) all the date/time types are date time, not just date. if you cast a string to a date/time type, the actual data type of the returned value is a datetime. you can’t then convert it to date without losing the data in the time portion. 3) the cast() function will not work on strings with embedded nchar/nclob/nvarchar values as this would break the string into multiple columns. 4) the function does not attempt to convert the string to a nvarchar or unicode string.
watch online free tevar full movie 2015 hd 1080p online movie in good quality you can watch online for free without annoying of advertising just right click and choose save as/save link as then save the link to your computer.q: sql server : change format of date i need to change a format of a date to yyyymmdd from a column with a string date. i’m using this : cast (convert(varchar(10), convert(date, ‘1/1/2000’)) as date) but i want yyyymmdd thanks for your help. a: try with the following – cast (convert(varchar(10), convert(date, ‘1/1/2000’)) as date) example: declare @date varchar(25) set @date = ‘1/1/2000’ select cast(@date as date) output: 2000-01-01 a: you can use: cast (convert(varchar(10), convert(date, ‘1/1/2000’)) as date) or: cast (convert(varchar(10), convert(date, ‘1/1/2000’)) +” + cast(cast(datepart(dw,cast(datepart(dw,convert(varchar(10), convert(date, ‘1/1/2000’)) as date)) as int)) as varchar(2)) as date) output: 2011-11-10 i think it is better to use the second method because you have control of the format. a: using a direct cast may not work as you expect. the cast() function has a few important characteristics. 1) when casting a string to a date, it tries to parse the string to a date time first. if this is not successful, then it will simply cast the string to a date. 2) all the date/time types are date time, not just date. if you cast a string to a date/time type, the actual data type of the returned value is a datetime. you can’t then convert it to date without losing the data in the time portion. 3) the cast() function will not work on strings with embedded nchar/nclob/nvarchar values as this would break the string into multiple columns. 4) the function does not attempt to convert the string to a nvarchar or unicode string.