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There is an existing magic system. It has weapon rules, skill rules, and a character generation system. It’s a real time game. Magic is used as a defensive and offensive tactic. There is no game master. The only non-player character is an NPC creature – a poisonous snake named Sarsparilla (talk about killing two birds with one stone!).
My first campaign featured 3 campaigns, one was a dnd1e, a second was a dnd2e, and a third was a “reimagine” of mine and my players’ favorite rpg – Malice Aforethought.
I only have play-by-post experience with Malice, but it was absolutely great, and so were my players.
Much of my experience of running Malice comes from this thread, though I’ve posted in this forum since I began it.
* campaign 1 – a dnd1e campaign
* campaign 2 – a dnd2e campaign, but not a dnd1e campaign at all, I’m afraid
* campaign 3 – a Malice campaign, with the Malice 1st edition rules – this will be my “reimagine” of Malice
How I got to a Malice game – and how Malice ended up with me
Malice’s characters: the roles of the characters in the Malice game
Malice’s factions and back-stories
Overview of Malice 1st Edition
Malice 1st edition has some elements of d&d dnd, but they’re minimal. It has d&d class based classes, like the Malice Players Guide, and it has d&d races, like the Elves (and/or Halflings, I’m not sure anymore). So you have elves, dwarfs, halflings, half-halfs (who are half-elf and half-dwarf), a race of dwarf-like mid-humans, and some min-human-like critters called kith.
Malice got its name because it started out as a dnd/rpg hybrid RPG, but grew into a traditional d&d rpg at the same time.
Malice 2nd edition got its name because it’s got even more content and mechanics than its 1st edition. It has some similarities to the d&d 3rd edition and d20 systems, such as the new powers and feats, and it has some elements of the d20 system that are not in d&d. Some Quando voc a maqui e pega voc muniz, mais bonito todos as filmes de vencida.
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