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Engineers can simulate real-world electromagnetic environments with ease in a matter of minutes, allowing them to identify and rectify potential EMC problems early in the development stage. Besides, the integrated workflow also provides engineers with the ability to easily perform a wide range of electromagnetic simulations, such as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) assessment, hazard analysis, source characterization, immunity analysis, bio-effects analysis, and electrostatic discharge (ESD) simulation, with one platform. In addition, a built-in partitioning tool that is located on the system menu helps engineers quickly map the electromagnetic environment using the same partitioning tools used to partition the circuit board. The tools are also seamlessly integrated into the design flow, allowing engineers to focus on the design process rather than have to manually match partitioning tool to electromagnetic analysis tool. Users can take advantage of the seamless workflow in Electronics Desktop, which includes advanced electromagnetic field solvers, and dynamically link them to power circuit simulators to predict EMC performance of electrical devices. Multiple EM solvers intended to address diverse electromagnetic problems, as well as the circuit simulators in Electronics Desktop, help engineers assess the overall performance of their electrical devices and create interference-free designs. These diverse problems range from radiated and conducted emissions, susceptibility, crosstalk, RF desense, RF coexistence, cosite, electrostatic discharge, electric fast transients (EFT), burst, lightning strike effects, high intensity fields (HIRF), radiation hazards (RADHAZ), electromagnetic environmental effects (EEE), electromagnetic pulse (EMP) to shielding effectiveness and other EMC applications. Engineers can simulate real-world electromagnetic environments with ease in a matter of minutes, allowing them to identify and rectify potential EMC problems early in the development stage. Besides, the integrated workflow also provides engineers with the ability to easily perform a wide range of electromagnetic simulations, such as electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) assessment, hazard analysis, source characterization, immunity analysis, bio-effects analysis, and electrostatic discharge (ESD) simulation, with one platform. In addition, a built-in partitioning tool that is located on the system menu helps engineers quickly map the electromagnetic environment using the same partitioning tools used to partition the circuit board. The tools are also seamlessly integrated into the design flow, allowing engineers to focus on the design process rather than have to manually match partitioning tool to electromagnetic analysis tool.
The free pattern and materials database on Ansys Materials and Modelling (MM) allows engineering to be efficient in property and process selection. Using this tool, engineers can rapidly evaluate materials, process conditions, and process setups for manufacturing cost and quality optimisation. It also serves as an environment to develop a digital library of products with varied properties to support the work of a factory. It is a useful tool to develop methodologies to manufacture specialised products like molds, bearings, and can be used for materials such as stainless steel, cast iron, graphite, etc. It can also be used to create parts and inserts for metallurgy. Ansys Materials provides CAD operators with the ability to choose property data from the following fields: chemical composition, mechanical properties, viscoelastic properties, thermal properties, electrical properties, magnetic properties, and surface or external properties. These properties can be grouped into various categories. The material properties are available in different properties formats as well as different units. The ANSYS Materials library also provides the ability to link materials properties to manufacturing processes and to use a database of qualification requirements.
The use of Ansys Electronics solution suite minimizes the testing costs, ensures regulatory compliance, improves reliability and drastically reduces your product development time. All this while helping you build the best-in-class and cutting-edge products. Leverage the simulation capability from Ansys to solve the most critical aspects of your designs