The Windows Line Printer Daemon is an application that runs on your Windows PC, allowing your PC to accept print jobs from any Line Printer Protocol host.
This means you can have your mainframe, UNIX servers, NT servers all print to your PC even if you’re not on the same physical or virtual network. You don’t need to share your printer with your NT server, and you don’t need complex resource sharing software for UNIX.
The LPR protocol is an Internet standard supported by UNIX, NT, and most mainframe systems. It allows any machine that speaks LPR to talk to another machine to arrange a print job.
To accept a print job from a remote host, you need to have a daemon running. The daemon is a small program (WinLPR in this case) which listens for print jobs from a host or hosts, and accepts and prints them.
The daemon must be running to work properly, but it requires no user intervention to function.
WinLPR is also pretty small, simple and easy-to-use.
Here are some key features of “WinLPR”:
■ Start minimized and as service options. Start automatically will run after the user logs in… if you want to accept print jobs before a user logs in, start as a service. Note: to run as a service under Windows NT/2000 requires the NT Service version.
■ Suppress or allow banner (who it came from) pages for each job and queue.
■ Confirm job before print, and insert CR/LF to combat “stair step” effect.
■ Full logging to a file.
■ Accept jobs from only sanctioned hosts.
■ Send Printer Control Files before and after print jobs to activate special features of your printer (such as change to landscape mode, etc.)
■ Create multiple queues for jobs. Each queue can print to a different printer, send leading and trailing control files to the printer to configure it, ask a user for job print confirmation, convert fineleeds to carriage return linefeed pairs and ban or allow hosts to send print jobs.
■ Take advantage of the “any” queue. The “any” queue is a special queue the WinLPR creates for you. This queue allows you to accept any job, even if you don’t know the “proper” queue name it was sent to, and send it to a printer. Again, you can perform manipulations like any other queue.
■ Hide unnecessary configuration information by turning advanced menus off, minimizing the chances a user will alter settings.
■ Remote management allowing you to control all settings (except language), turn accept and print job functionality on and off; print a test job and see the main log (since you connected) among other things, all through the Internet or your local TCP/IP network.
■ 40-days trial
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■ Requirements:
1. Windows
2. Windows NT, 2000, Server, XP, Vista
3. Internet Connection to WinLPR Server
4. An active virtual or physical Line Printer on the same or any host as the WinLPR
Install on Windows NT, 2000, Server, XP, Vista
Run as service
Run as a service (On log-in, after the user logs in)
Administrator access is required
1. Make sure your internet connection is established to the WinLPR web site (address below)
2. Open Control Panel
Click Add/Remove and Add/Remove Windows Components
Select WinLPR(Both versions)
Click Add, Finish.
Tip: If you need to remove WinLPR, follow the instructions above in reverse.
3. If you have a virtual machine (virus, IIS, etc. will interfere, so is not recommended)
1. Open your virtual machine “control panel” and turn off the firewall/security so WinLPR will accept print jobs.
2. Run WinLPR, activate winLPR as a service
3. Open “start” and select “run”, type “services.msc”
4. If you are not familiar with “services.msc”, read the “manual”. Also search the web
5. Search for “services.msc” and the string “WinLPR” and follow the instructions
4. Install on Windows XP, Vista
1. Install WinLPR
2. Download the 32bit version
Save the installer on your desktop
Run the installer
Follow the instructions
Tip: If you have an administrator password, you need to type in that password after you select “Next” when “Install updates” is selected.
5. Install on Windows 2000 Server, Server 2003
1. Install WinLPR
2. Download the 32bit version
Save the installer on your desktop
Run the installer
Follow the instructions
5. Install on Windows Server 2008 (x64)
1. Install WinLPR
2. Download the 32bit version
Save the installer on your desktop
Run the installer
Follow the instructions
6. Install on Windows 7 (x64)
1. Install WinLPR
2. Download the 32bit version
Save the installer on your desktop
Run the installer
Follow the instructions
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WinLPR is a Windows Print Daemon, it offers you an easy way to convert from one printer to another.
WinLPR is a small program (roughly 10KB) and very easy to use. It does exactly what its name promises, it’s a printing daemon.
First, a few words about its history. WinLPR was originally written by SupraNet (now Symlog) with input and support from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). For the IETF, WinLPR was an IETF Standard and defined as such by the IETF.
For some weird reason Microsoft missed this basic fact and decided not to make WinLPR an IETF Standard as it should have been.
So WinLPR became proprietary (of Microsoft).
If WinLPR was an IETF Standard you can be sure that it would be free software and open source.
All WinLPR downloads are free. No hidden fees. No surprises.
WinLPR is only available as freeware from the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
The IETF is a group of Internet experts from all over the world.
The IETF has a small group of volunteers and their main goal is to develop and maintain the Internet protocols and standards.
With the constant development of network technologies (IPv4, IPv6, etc.) a complete protocol based on those technologies is mandatory.
When you surf on the Internet you use TCP/IP as it’s always the most commonly used protocol.
The IETF develops IP (Internet Protocol) and the different protocols that can use it.
In 1995 the IETF adopted the Line Printing Protocol (LPR) to support the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), printing and printing-related protocols have always been important for the Internet.
The IETF defines the LPR protocol. It includes simple text files that can be used for remote printer management.
The IETF also decided that remote management would be so simple that it should be accessible to end users.
This is accomplished by using the “IETF Standard” LPR Protocol.
The IETF people thought the world needed a standard to allow remote management of network printers.
They thought this would be simple and something the end user would enjoy.
They were right.
The Line Printing Protocol (LPR) was developed to manage network printers, remote printing and remote host printing.
The LPR protocol is recognized by Microsoft, and
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When you run the WinLPR daemon, it will create a log file, winlpr.log, in the directory to which the daemon is started.
You can configure the log file location to whatever you want, if you want. WinLPR will create a new log file after the installation period.
Once you have installed WinLPR, start WinLPR as a service.
Run WinLPR using a double click on the WinLPR Icon in the System Tray.
WinLPR Configuration Menu:
If the log file is not located in the C:\ folder, or if it has not been created yet, configure the WinLPR Icon in the System Tray to launch the WinLPR Utility.
Configure WinLPR by double clicking on the WinLPR Icon in the System Tray.
On the WinLPR Configuration Utility, click on “General”, and then select one of the following options:
■ Hide or enable for the “Menu”, “Properties”, “Options” button.
The following options will be selected by default:
■ “Menu” option will be selected
■ “Hide for “Options” button” will be selected
■ “Hide for “Options” button” will be selected
■ “Hide for “Properties” button” will be selected
■ “Hide for “Properties” button” will be selected
“Hide” buttons will be selected by default.
“Enable” buttons will be selected.
The following options are available:
“Hide Options”.
“Hide Properties”.
“Hide Menu”.
“Enable Menu”.
“Enable Properties”.
“Enable Menu”.
“Enable Properties”.
“Enable Options”.
“Enable Options”.
“Enable Menu”.
“Enable Menu”.
“Enable Properties”.
“Enable Properties”.
“Enable Options”.
The following options will be enabled by default.
“Hide Options”.
“Hide Options”.
“Hide Menu”.
“Enable Menu”.
“Enable Menu”.
“Enable Properties”.
“Enable Menu”.
“Enable Properties”.
“Enable Options”.
“Hide Properties”.
“Hide Properties”.
“Hide Options”.
“Hide Properties”.
“Enable Menu”.
“Enable Properties”.
“Enable Options”.
“Enable Options”.
“Enable Menu”.
“Enable Properties”.
“Enable Properties”.
“Enable Options”.
What’s New In WinLPR?
WinLPR is a very powerful tool, with many advanced features. WinLPR implements all of the LPR functionality as well as a few other very useful features.
WinLPR accepts and prints from a wide range of hosts, including NT, Solaris, HP-UX, and UNIX. Most of the time, you can use WinLPR to print from most mainframe systems.
In fact, WINLPR is part of Microsoft Mainframe Operating System (MSOS). MSOS is a product which enables you to connect to a mainframe from a Windows NT/2000 computer, and print from a mainframe.
This product also enables you to print from a PC when connected to a mainframe via a remote printer, as well as printing from a mainframe when connected to your Windows PC using a remote printer.
WinLPR can print documents from a variety of applications, including MS Word, Microsoft Excel, Lotus Notes and many others.
You can select the particular printer to which the print jobs are sent. Some printers are particularly useful for this type of environment and are not usually associated with the “PC to mainframe” interface.
Some printers have a particular use in this environment. Examples include:
■ LPD printers which directly send the print jobs to the print servers. In this case, it is possible to print to the print server from the “PC to mainframe” environment. If the print server is “priming” it will print out “priming….” messages.
■ Network printers which print to a print server which in turn sends the print job to the actual printer.
Note: WinLPR does not send print jobs to a print server in this environment.
■ “Any” printers can have access to a print queue. These queues can contain print jobs from a variety of destinations. Such queues are useful in systems where the printer is used by multiple users simultaneously.
■ Other printers can have a sub-queue for each user. In this case, the queues can contain print jobs to the user’s “main” queue, or to the sub-queues.
■ Single queue printers can have more than one user, such as in remote environments. In this case, the jobs will be sent to whichever queue has the highest number of jobs.
WinLPR can do more than just print a job; it can also delete a job (or any queue) for you.
WinLPR can
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 8.1 (64-bit), Windows 10 (64-bit)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 @ 2.4GHz
Graphics: GeForce 8800 GT 512MB / Radeon HD 3650 512MB / Intel HD Graphics 3000
OS: Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 8.1 (64-bit),