Uhq Terrain Overhaul Fallout 3

Uhq Terrain Overhaul Fallout 3
12 Outlander. Pretty much anything UHQ Terrain has to offer. The beauty of the UHQ Terrain Overhaul is that it modifies most of the resources in the UHQ mod to make them more representative of their actual counterparts in. More Info → Fallout 3, Fallout 4 UHQ Terrain Overhaul, Fallout 4 – The Unofficial Mod Resource.This subproject is one of many research subprojects utilizing the resources provided by a Center grant funded by NIH/NCRR. The subproject and investigator (PI) may have received primary funding from another NIH source, and thus could be represented in other CRISP entries. The institution listed is for the Center, which is not necessarily the institution for the investigator. Objectives: We are seeking to collect a dataset of native alpha-carbon chemical shifts (C[unreadable]H[unreadable]) in uniformly ^13[unreadable]C-labeled proteins to enable calculation of protein backbone NMR spectra. These assignments are essential for the determination of protein structures by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Background and Rationale: Since the secondary structure of proteins is determined by the chemical environment of their backbone C[unreadable]H[unreadable] groups, the chemical shifts of these atoms are sensitive indicators of protein conformation and dynamics. By collecting a large data set of C[unreadable]H[unreadable] chemical shifts of different proteins under different conditions, we would be able to derive generalized structural and dynamic models applicable to both folded and unfolded proteins. Results: We have collected C[unreadable]H[unreadable] chemical shifts of uniformly ^13[unreadable]C-labeled proteins in different solvents. Over 200 C[unreadable]H[unreadable] chemical shift assignments are available at this time. Publications: A. J. Cucinotta, E. Stec, B. Ash, W. J. Nolte, J. H. Haasnoot, J. M. Clore, G. Patterson, J. T. Kondo, J. J. Deis, M. E. Rehage, J. Stroe, J. A. Scholes, P. F. Stadler, D. W. B. Smith, W. L. Tait, J. L. C. Smith, S. Villela, M. Witte, E. Ziegler, A. Wlodaver, and J. A. Wemmer.