SENDBS Crack+ [Mac/Win] (April-2022)
Sendbs (send-based) is a program that can estimate the average number of nucleotide substitutions between pairs of sequences. It is a program originally written by Jon Hallam-Baker, ESR Fellow and Andrew Rambaut, Research Scientist, at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology in Plön, Germany.
SENDBS was released into the public domain in 2001.
Sendbs can be used for any pair of aligned sequences, where the alignments are obtained by software like BLAST.
Sendbs is used as a quality control step in genetic analyses of molecular sequence data.
SENDBS does not automatically pair up sequences, it just gives the nucleotide substitution rate (or split-time in the case of organisms).
Sendbs is part of the PHYLIP suite of programs.
Command Line:
Usage: sendbs [global options] -i -o file.out -p -d
Input file.
Output file.
Plotting file.
Allowed format for directories: /-f/i (Ignored)
Save output for every directory into separate files
Print help and exit.
Version: 1.1
Version date: 2006-05-12
Finally, the unusual feature of the program is that it can be run in reverse mode.
This is a very nice feature to compare the nucleotide similarity values among populations.
Furthermore, this tool is also being used as an alternative distance calculation method to consider as a suitable tool in order to select the most suitable population as donor population for genetic introgression.
SENDBS is a program that computes average nucleotide substitutions within and between populations.
However, note that sendbs computes standard errors of average nucleotide substitutions with a bootstrap method by resampling sites, which is different from Nei and Jin’s method. Also, sensbs constructs a population tree with a neighbor-joining method.
Get SENDBS and give ti a try to fully assess its capabilities!
SENDBS Description:
Sendbs (send-based) is a program that can estimate the average number of nucleotide substitutions between pairs of sequences. It
SENDBS Crack + Download
SENDBS Crack computes average nucleotide substitutions with subpopulations and within-population variation under a standard coalescent model, while taking additional sources of variation into account, such as positive selection, population admixture, time-dependent population growth and individual recombination.
SENDBS can be used to compute an additional, population specific average nucleotide substitution rate (U) from a test sample, and compare it to the known population specific average nucleotide substitution rate (U) rate.
SENDBS allows for the computation of two population specific average nucleotide substitution rates. One rate is computed for subpopulations within the total population sample, and the other rate for subpopulations between the total population sample and a fixed outgroup.
The two rates can be used to test for population specific patterns of nucleotide substitution. The results can be summarized in a marginal difference plot (called MXplot) that shows the difference between the computed and the known population specific average nucleotide substitution rates. Furthermore, SENDBS allows for the computation of the time-dependent population growth that could have affected nucleotide substitution. The time-dependent population growth parameter can be taken into account when comparing the computed and the known population specific average nucleotide substitution rates.
SENDBS can be used to compute a standard error of a population specific average nucleotide substitution rate that takes the additional sources of variation into account, such as positive selection, population admixture, time-dependent population growth and individual recombination.
SENDBS computes population specific average nucleotide substitution rates along with their standard errors.
SENDBS computes a population specific average nucleotide substitution rate (θ), their standard error (σθ) and the proportion of the population specific rate (P=θ / σθ) that is due to variation between subpopulations within the total population sample.
SENDBS computes a population specific average nucleotide substitution rate (θT), their standard error (σθT) and the proportion of the population specific rate (PT=θT / σθT) that is due to variation between subpopulations within the total population sample.
SENDBS computes the average nucleotide substation rate (θX) between subpopulations within the total population sample, their standard error (σθX) and the proportion (P=θX / σθX) of the population specific rate (θX) that is due to
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SENDBS is a program that computes average nucleotide substitutions within and between populations. The program is designed for use with aligned DNA sequences from several gene loci or with phasing information. The program will require that an input data file contain:
1. A single column of integers giving the total number of base pairs in each sequence.
2. A separate column of integers giving the number of transitions and the number of transversions in each sequence.
3. Optionally, an additional column containing information (A, C, T, G) describing the origin of each position.
The program will use randomly selected base pairs to compute the average substitution rate between populations. It will also use randomly selected base pairs to compute the average substitution rate within populations, allowing arbitrarily many sequences to be subdivided into several populations. The average substitution rate between and within populations is presented in two formats: one format is similar to the way average substitutions were computed with the program ml (Multiply-loci, Tamura and Nei 1980), but with a correction for differences in base composition. The other format is similar to the way average substitutions were computed with the program pn (Poisson Substitution, Scheer, Spooner and Meyer, 1990). The program will produce two output files that will be standard input to the program ml.
For help type “sendbs –help” or “sendbs -help”
sendbs [options] [input data file]
Input data file options
-j, –jobs N
Use N cores, as the default is 1.
The default is 1
-l, –locus…
Input sequence locus information.
It must be given at least one locus.
Suppose the length of alignment length is L.
Then a distance matrix will be computed with the first L sequences and the last L
-i, –use-distance matrix
Use the transformation matrix
-m, –use-mutational system
Use the GTR model
-n, –no-recombination
Do not use recombination model
-o, –order-matrix..
Order of the distance matrix. You can use ‘\s’ to specify alphabetically,
or ‘^’ or ‘~’ to specify on the basis of original order.
Choose output format.
What’s New in the SENDBS?
Sendbs is an R package that implements a novel Bayesian method for computing average nucleotide substation, including estimates of standard error and confidence intervals, under a one-parameter Wright-Fisher model. Sendbs also produces a phylogenetic tree using the neighbor-joining (NJ) method of Saitou and Nei (1987) when the appropriate substitution model is specified.
Analyses of Homoplasy Tolerance
This program illustrates that a common misconception regarding substitution models is that they must be consistent with the evolutionary process. We demonstrate how models that incorporate model parameters that can be estimated from the data in place of the actual parameters can be used to estimate within- and between-population average divergence under a variety of evolutionary scenarios. Some of these estimates (e.g., the average rate of change per site of a protein-coding gene) are in general agreement with conventional estimates of these parameters, but others (e.g., the gamma parameter of Kimura’s equation) are greater than generally cited values.
Genetic Distance Measures and the Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution
For many molecular evolutionary studies, a major problem is the intrinsic heterogeneity of most molecular characters. In some cases this can be addressed by characterizing the phylogenetic signal in a consistent topology and using traditional distance measures on this data (e.g., parsimony, maximum-likelihood), but in other cases there is no theoretical foundation for interpreting a particular genetic distance.
This program demonstrates that molecular evolutionary distance measures based on transition/transversion ratios (such as NST) can be used as estimators of effective population sizes (reviewed by Tajima 1989). We also show that the neutral theory, in the sense of Kimura (1981) is a special case of the classical Wright-Fisher model in which some of the parameters of the model are fixed.
Coseq: Gene Conversion in Tandem Repeats
Coseq is a program written to analyze tandemly repeated DNA sequences. The program generates frequency data by sliding a window along a DNA sequence and counting the number of tandem repeats it encounters. The program then uses the Wilcoxon test (see Dwyer et al., 1991) to detect excess repeats and matches them to the occurrence of equal-length tandem repeats in the genome. The program can generate DNA sequence alignments with detected repeats highlighted. It also calculates the expected repeat content of a tandemly repeated DNA sequence under the neutral assumption of unequal repeat lengths.
Phylo: A Program for Phylogenetic Reconstruction
System Requirements For SENDBS:
OS: Windows 7 (SP1) / Vista (SP2) / XP (SP3) / Windows 2000 (SP3) / Windows 7 SP1 / Vista SP2 / Windows XP SP3
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 @ 2.26GHz / AMD Phenom 9950 @ 3.2GHz / AMD Athlon II X2 250 @ 3.40GHz / AMD Athlon II X2 550 @ 3.1GHz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 9800GTX