TorrentCore is a torrent search engine that also lets you know the quality of the torrent you have selected. The site also lets you add free torrents to your web page so you can share your downloaded content with your friends and the public.
TorrentLists is a handy site that helps you find your desired torrent files and sort them with tags and categories. The website also lets you filter out seeds and leechers and provide you with a detailed info about every torrent you have in your list.
YTD Download, known to its community as YTD, is easy to use and boasts a great UI. You can share your torrents with friends and search for them by genre and many other cool parameters. YTD is a huge torrent community that has over 10 million torrents to choose from with categories like music, films, video games and more.
And just like that, our list of Top 10 Cracked Software Download Sites is done. We hope you enjoyed reading through the list and found something you’ll love on the Internet. Now, let’s move on to another list of Top 10 Search Engines that are an indispensable part of a successful search engine optimization campaign.
The Top 10 Search Engines list is definitely hard to make, as the communities for each engine are constantly changing and evolving. However, this does not take away the worth from the feature, as it does allow you to see trends and the traffic these engines receive in the past as well as the present. The list above is the result of a complete roundup of all the major search engines – both paid and free.