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Fsx German Language Pack Download
FSX German Language Pack Download. Please read all the instructions before starting this tutorial.. Microsoft Flight Simulator X is a popular flight simulation game… FSX German Flyer and German Flyer – Mini Guides.
Download at softwarecity.com/software-product/microsoft-flight-simulator-sp2-acceleration-pack/Q:
Javascript – What is the difference between window.location.href and location.href?
What is the difference between window.location.href and location.href?
When I change window.location.href, it updates the browser’s location field correctly.
However when I use location.href the browser does not change the url location.
Please explain to me why this is happening.
The reason why location.href and window.location.href are not the same is because the first one will try to get the URL using the web browser’s settings. The second one will try to get the URL from the site.
Say your page A is a simple page that looks like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var url = window.location.href;
console.log(‘url is’+ url);
Link to SomeHost
The console.log will show that this is what is in the url field.
Because the purpose of location.href is to check the browser location property instead of the window location as window.location.href.
They differ in that the value they return is
Airport Germany | FSX Scenery | VueAddicts. The best airport scenery pack created by a team of pilots and pilots.. FSX and FSX Steam Edition (support for FSX and Prepar3D).Q:
Maven Build Error despite # of buildable files
I have a java Maven project that I am attempting to build. But I am getting the following error (which I don’t really have a clue about).
I have found the same error posting for different Maven projects.
Solved it by removing all plugins.
Please try to clean and build:
If you have dependency problem, mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dincludes=**/*.java
If your project file structure is wrong, you can change the structure by mvn projects
Three-dimensional diffusion-weighted imaging for pediatric brain tumors: diffusion-weighted imaging-based comparison of apparent diffusion coefficient measurements in cytotoxic-induced edema.
Three-dimensional diffusion-weighted imaging (3D-DWI) is widely used to visualize intratumoral vessels in brain tumors, including typical vascular malformations and low-grade gliomas. However, the usefulness of this technique in other pediatric brain tumors and its value in intratumoral edema has not been described. We therefore performed 3D-DWI in patients with various primary brain tumors and studied the correlation between the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values measured by 3D-DWI and the pathophysiologic characteristics of the tumors and edema. We analyzed 8 children with different primary brain tumors who had undergone a 3T MRI study including conventional sequences and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) (b = 0, 500, and 1000 s/mm²). ADC was measured in regions of interest (ROIs) placed in the edema and in tumor lesions. Histology and clinical data were available in all cases. Apparent diffusion coefficient values were measured in tumors and edema and compared using t test and Pearson’s r correlation. The ADC value was higher in the edema than in the tumor lesions (P < 0.001), regardless of the b-value. No correlation was found between ADC values and age, sex, tumor type, and the ADC value in the tumor lesions. Three-dimensional DWI can be used to study pediatric brain tumors and is useful in the detection and characterization of intr
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FSX: In English or German. I do have an EE certificate (German only), but have no clue if that will help. This is something I find harder to do with. COM and crack-protected games, since they are typically encrypted with a 3rd party license.import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from ‘@angular/core’;
import { ValidationService } from ‘../../services’;
name: ‘validate’,
abstract: true,
export class ValidationPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any, validator?: any): any {
return (typeof value === ‘object’ && typeof validator === ‘function’)?
value && validator(value) : true;
export class EmailValidator implements Validator {
validMessage = ‘Email invalid’;
validUrlMessage = ‘Invalid URL’;
validFormMessage = ‘You have entered an invalid email address’;
invalidUrlPattern = /(?:\\[\s*”?]|[^\”]|[^\”]*(?:\\.[^\”]*)*)|\+(?:\\[\s*”?]|[^\”]|[^\”]*(?:\\.[^\”]*)*)|(?:(?:[\\d]{3}\\.){3}[\\d]{3})|(?:(?:[a-z]{2}\\.){2}[a-z]{2})|(?:[0-9]{5,10})$/i;
valid(control: AbstractControl): any {
const email = control.value;
if (!/^(?:[a-z0-9!#$%&’*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9!#$%&’*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*|”(?:[\x01-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f\x21\x23-\x5b\x5d