Pathfinder Adventure Paths are six interconnected adventures that can be played together or as stand-alone adventures. The Pathfinder Adventure Path is a new type of Pathfinder module; it consists of six linked, stand-alone adventures, which are best read in any order you choose. In addition, the adventures include a series of linked, reusable encounters that expand and improve on the encounters in the adventures.
Pathfinder Adventure Paths are designed by leading game masters and authors of Pathfinder modules. Pathfinder Adventure Path #121: The Lost Outpost is written by Jim Groves.
Pathfinder Adventure Path #121: The Lost Outpost (Ruins of Azlant 1 of 6)
by Jim Groves
Trouble in Paradise
The Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path begins with the adventurers standing on the deck of a ship ready to make landfall at their new home. However, dread settles in as they notice that the colony is empty and abandoned. Tasked with uncovering the whereabouts of the prior group of colonists, the adventurers go ashore and explore the deserted settlement. Uncovering strange evidence leads the adventurers across the island, where they encounter two survivors who can give them clues as to the fate of the rest of the first wave of settlers. Can the adventurers survive long enough to discover what truly befell the fledgling colony?
This volume of Pathfinder Adventure Path launches the Ruins of Azlant Adventure Path and includes:
“The Lost Outpost,” a Pathfinder adventure for 1st-level characters, by Jim Groves.
A detailed look at some of the other colonists who make up the colony of Talmandor’s Bounty and the roles they play in the campaign, by Jim Groves.
A deep dive into the bizarre and alien ecology of the alghollthus
the family of creatures that includes the devious aboleths, by Greg A. Vaughan.
A bestiary of new monsters found in the shattered continent, by Jim Groves, Isabelle Lee, and Luis Loza.
This product is not a PDF or accessible outside of Fantasy Grounds. It has been lovingly converted for use within Fantasy Grounds and features the following additions:
All maps resized and set up with a preset grid to make combats easy to manage
Individual area descriptions linked to maps, containing new encounters, treasure parcels and descriptions for just that area
Tokens for each encounter are all pre-placed in starting locations on the map. You can edit these on the fly.
Drag and drop treasure parcels and Encounter XP

Fantasy Grounds – Pathfinder RPG – Ruins Of Azlant AP 1: The Lost Outpost (PFRPG) Features Key:
- A Strong Crafting System
- Celestial Support
- Advancing Artifacts
- One-Handed and Two-Handed Trophies
- Adventurer Levels
- Heroes: Ileandra, Diablo, Four Horsemen
- Friends and Foes
- Lead/follow tactics
Fantasy Grounds – Pathfinder RPG – Ruins Of Azlant AP 1: The Lost Outpost (PFRPG) Crack + Free Registration Code For PC [March-2022]
For the Fantasy Grounds Roleplaying System version 3.3.4 and higher
The publishers of this product release the following license:
This product is licensed to you by wargaming.net through the In Character store. It will only work in the Fantasy Grounds (PC or Mac) and Pathfinder Player Companion (PC) products where In Character is licensed to you. The customers of this product will be given a license to use this product in these products.
“The Lost Outpost,” a Pathfinder adventure for 1st-level characters, by Jim Groves.
A detailed look at some of the other colonists who make up the colony of Talmandor’s Bounty and the roles they play in the campaign, by Jim Groves.
A deep dive into the bizarre and alien ecology of the alghollthus
the family of creatures that includes the devious aboleths, by Greg A. Vaughan.
A bestiary of new monsters found in the shattered continent, by Jim Groves, Isabelle Lee, and Luis Loza.
This product is not a PDF or accessible outside of Fantasy Grounds. It has been lovingly converted for use within Fantasy Grounds and features the following additions:
All maps resized and set up with a preset grid to make combats easy to manage
Individual area descriptions linked to maps, containing new encounters, treasure parcels and descriptions for just that area
Tokens for each encounter are all pre-placed in starting locations on the map. You can edit these on the fly.
Drag and drop treasure parcels and Encounter XP that is easily awarded to your players to keep the game moving ahead
All the images and handouts from the book available to share with your players as you need them
Released on February 22, 2018. Designed for Fantasy Grounds version 3.3.4 and higher.
Requires: This content requires an active license or subscription for Fantasy Grounds to download and use.
About Fantasy Grounds – Pathfinder RPG – Ruins of Azlant AP 1: The Lost Outpost (PFRPG):
For the Fantasy Grounds Roleplaying System version 3.3.4 and higher
The publishers of this product release the following license:
This product is licensed to you by wargaming.net through the In Character store. It will only work in the Fantasy Grounds (PC or Mac) and Pathfinder Player Companion (PC) products where In Character is licensed to you. The customers of this product will be given a license to use this product in these products.
“The Lost Out
Fantasy Grounds – Pathfinder RPG – Ruins Of Azlant AP 1: The Lost Outpost (PFRPG) Free Download X64
Spoiler for Gameplay:
Click here to learn more about the Fantasy Grounds system —
Click here to learn more about the Pathfinder RPG system. —
About the AP
This themed adventure path has the feel of an older, sleeker, more mysterious version of Pathfinder. This is a new campaign set in the Lands of Kzinti, where a group of adventure seekers set sail for a new world, only to learn that it is a myth, and that their character may never return to civilization again.
Fantasy Grounds features (Included in this download):
• Ability to place encounter tokens on the map.
• Ability to award XP rewards.
• Ability to award treasure.
• An improved in-game display for the map.
• Additional New Monsters!
Fantasy Grounds 3.4.2 is required.
About the Pathfinder Adventure Path
This is the best way for you to experience the full Pathfinder RPG system! If you have never played Pathfinder before, start with this Adventure Path, and play through some of the shorter campaign modules. Once you have played through some of the modules, you can choose to continue on to the full Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, where you can play through high-level campaign adventures for your character!
Fantasy Grounds features (Included in this download):
• Ability to place encounter tokens on the map.
• Ability to award XP rewards.
• Ability to award treasure.
• An improved in-game display for the map.
• Additional New Monsters!
Fantasy Grounds 3.4.2 is required.
About the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
A game of high-fantasy adventure and grandeur, the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game (PFRPG) was born with the release of the original Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Set in a fantasy world unlike any other, the rich history of this campaign setting includes the invention of gunpowder, harnessing of lightning, energy manipulation, time travel,
What’s new:
Written by: Romano Saavedra
If this is a new game created using file 1e I’ll be changing it. If this is an older game, modify accordingly.
This mod needs a GM.
FOR UPDATED INFO CONTACT: Romano Saavedra (462)
Table of Contents:
Version 1.1:
EIDM, LARP (KO system)
Adventure, quest and encounter rules.
Rules for LARP.
CharGen and Profiles
Version 1.0:
Fantasy Grounds and Pathfind.
Pathfinder RPG 2E1.
1) The Lost Outpost (Ruins of Azlant).
2) Sheltered in the Inner Peninsula (Rabbithole).
3)The Transformation of Karinthin: Independent adventuring.
1.1) EIDM, LARP (KO system)
1) An urban fantasy (My first time trying it)
2) Cheap M&M’s to feed your players.
3) The Greyhawk supplement.
4) Combat maps: how to use them.
5) Pathfinder “geography”.
6) The Pathfinder RPG Advanced Bestiary.
7) Class and Hit points: How to use and survive.
8) An adventure about adventurers on a topic that no one likes, adventures in a place no one likes to be in.
9) About hit points.
1.0) Fantasy Grounds and Pathfind.
1) Templates, Classes, Profiles
2) An urban fantasy adventure that takes place in the Wasteland.
3) Pictures of the ruins
4) Maps with the events and monsters.
2.0) Pathfinder RPG 2E1.
1. Adventure, quest and encounter rules.
About tunnels, traps and monsters.
Functions and Load.
3. CharGen and Profiles.
4.1) A scenario featuring an inexperienced Pathfinder.
A mission to explore. The investigators stories.
The Pathfinder and the Grey Wardens.
3.1) Adventures in the Fallout world.
An urban fantasy scenario that takes place in a post-apocalyptic era.
a) The prologue.
b) A journey through
Free Fantasy Grounds – Pathfinder RPG – Ruins Of Azlant AP 1: The Lost Outpost (PFRPG) Crack + For PC
How To Install and Crack Fantasy Grounds – Pathfinder RPG – Ruins Of Azlant AP 1: The Lost Outpost (PFRPG):
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- Fantasy Grounds – The Lost Outpost AP 1: The Lost Outpost Login: login page – for this pack
System Requirements:
Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000
Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz or faster
Intel HD Graphics 3000 / AMD HD 4000 or above
NVIDIA GeForce 8800 / ATI Radeon HD 2400 / HD 5000 or above
Version 9.0c (Recommended)
2 GB available space (For installation)
Additional Notes:
Once you start installing, DO