EasyXML is a small and simple program that represents the demoapplication for TjanXMLParser2, a native delphi XML/XSLT parser object and for TjanXMLDataSet2, a TDataSet descendant that allows you to use standard Delphi database controls with a XML document.
Here are some key features of “EasyXML”:
■ node selection using QXML that mimics the SQL WHERE clause;
■ XSLT transformations (templates, conditionals, sorting): generate HTML reports from your XML data;
■ a sample XML document containing the complete Hamlett play Richard III is included: 179 page HTML document is generated is less then 900 milliseconds;
■ XEL (XML Execution Language) scripting;
■ XML-Database.
■ Delphi source code included.

EasyXML For Windows
“EasyXML is a small and simple program that represents the demoapplication for TjanXMLParser2, a native delphi XML/XSLT parser object and for TjanXMLDataSet2, a TDataSet descendant that allows you to use standard Delphi database controls with a XML document.”
TjanXMLDataSet2 or “TjanXMLDataSet” is a dataset descendant that allows you to use standard Delphi database controls with a XML document.
Have you ever wanted to achieve something like this? Then maybe TjanXMLDataSet2 is what you are looking for. With TjanXMLDataSet2 you can use the database wizard by setting the Source property to an XML document (which is what will happen when you open the data dialog of the database wizard with a dataset as the source).
Using the database wizard with TjanXMLDataSet2 is pretty much like doing the same with Delphi’s TDataSet descendant, the only thing is that you can use XML documents instead of delimited text files.
Using the Database Wizard with TjanXMLDataSet2 gives you all the advantages of the database wizard and the ability to add new records using an XML document. All of the “database wizard” features that TDataSet has can be also achieved with TjanXMLDataSet2 including the sorting and filtering of records.
TjanXMLDataSet2 has its own drag and drop designer.
TjanXMLParser2 is a native delphi XML/XSLT parser object that works with your datastore and gives you some new functions. Such as node selection using QXML (QTExpr) or node matching using XPath (QXPath).
“Hello World” using QXML/XPath:
//Hello World element
QXmlDocument doc(“HelloWorld.xml”);
QXmlNodeList listNodes = doc.selectNodes(“//HelloWorld”);
QString tagName = “//HelloWorld”;
QString content = doc.toString(tagName);
QDomDocument document1(tagName);
QDomElement root = document1.documentElement();
QString sender = root.firstChildElement(0).text();
QString senderElement = root.firstChildElement(1).text();
int a = root.firstChildElement(2).text().tr
EasyXML Crack + Torrent (Activation Code)
“EasyXML Activation Code is a small and simple program that represents the demoapplication for TjanXMLParser2, a native delphi XML/XSLT parser object and for TjanXMLDataSet2, a TDataSet descendant that allows you to use standard Delphi database controls with a XML document.
Here are some key features of “EasyXML”:
“1. node selection using QXML that mimics the SQL WHERE clause;
“2. XSLT transformations (templates, conditionals, sorting): generate HTML reports from your XML data;
“3. a sample XML document containing the complete Hamlett play Richard III is included: 179 page HTML document is generated is less then 900 milliseconds;
“4. XEL (XML Execution Language) scripting;
“5. XML-Database.
“6. Delphi source code included.”
EasyXML Installation:
1. Install TjanXMLDataSet2 and TjanXMLParser2, you can download them from here:
2. Install Delphi XE, Delphi 2007 and Create package “EasyXML” is included;
3. In TjanXMLDataSet2, change the datasource into “EasyXML.MyXMLDataSet”;
4. Create a new Delphi project “EasyXML”;
5. Copy the “TjanXMLDataSet2” sourcecode in the package “EasyXML”;
6. Copy the TjanXMLParser2 and TjanXMLParser2Client sourcecode in the package “EasyXML”;
7. Copy the XML sample document in the package “EasyXML”;
8. Open the TjanXMLDataSet2 (properties->unit->descendant links), you will find a new unit named “EasyXML” that contains a data reader object named “EasyXMLReader” that implements the QXML Dataset interface.
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EasyXML Crack + Activator Free Download PC/Windows
■ A simple XML-Parser and a simplified XML data-set (TDataSet descendant).
EasyXML consists in these 3 components:
■ DataSetExtender that allows you to use XmlDataSet instead a TDataSet;
■ XmlParser that is a simple demonstration of the XmlDataSet.
■ An XmlFunctions class that allow you to compare XML nodes using either their tags or their position in the xml document;
■ Since xml data-set can be directly used by database controls, EasyXML provides a simple XmlDatabase class;
■ An XSLT2Transform class that allows you to generate HTML reports from your XML document, see the source code for an example.
EasyXML Requirements:
■ Delphi 2007 or later;
■ XML declaration:
■ Simple HTML header and footer:
■ XPath:
■ the result of the transformation is also a XML document, so it must be use XmlDataSet.XPath to get the result of the XPath test;
■ The advantage of using XPath is that the same XPath expression can be used with other XmlDataSet descendants: dom, QXML (see examples in the XMLfunctions class);
■ XML Database: this is to be used in your application to store and to retrieve the result of the transformation (see the XMLDatabaseSample project);
■ XslTransform class: this is to be used to produce the HTML report of the transformation (see the examples).
Integration with Database Controls:
EasyXML is a specialized TDataSet descendant that allow you to use as many standard database controls as required to display your XML data (TGrid, TDBGrid, etc.). In the same time, since EasyXML may be used with XmlDataSet, you can use the use these controls and EasyXML together. EasyXML does not require you to create a new data-source using a TDBGrid or a TDBNavigator…
If you use XPath in your application, there is no need
What’s New in the EasyXML?
EasyXML is a small but powerful native XML/XSLT parser for Delphi/Object Pascal. It generates Delphi 3, 4 or Delphi XE compatibility modes.
Use of EasyXML is easier and faster than the only other similar tool: xmlexcelparser because it integrates with the Delphi IDE. That is: the editor displays the structure of the XML document with cursor support, the XML syntax is underlined, and the cursor is in a node selected using the syntax of QXML (see below). EasyXML is less complex: it doesn’t use TParseXML (to delete empty nodes, to parse recursively) and doesn’t need the “document library” of the IDE like xmlexcelparser; you can start/stop parsing with a mouse click and change the cursor while the XML is being parsed.
EasyXML is native: it works out-of-the-box with Delphi 3, 4 and XE, without requiring any installation of a third party XSLT engine.
There are many places where XML development can be more productive if you use the native XML parser of Delphi rather than the one provided by the Delphi IDE. (See XML development works much faster with native XML parser) :
■ EasyXML is much faster than xmlexcelparser;
■ EasyXML is much less complex;
■ EasyXML is less error-prone;
■ EasyXML is less memory hungry (less data is copied).
If you already use the Delphi IDE, then you’ll need to install only this program and not any third party development framework and component like xmlparsers, xmlparser, XMLBuilder, etc.
The next features of EasyXML are:
■ Parsing:
■ All native: no XSLT engine is needed;
■ Syntax highlighting: XML tags and properties are marked.
■ Navigation:
■ with Cursor support;
■ with Reversible Tree view (New XML language allows backward navigation through the document).
The XML parser object TJanXMLParser2 is compatible with:
■ ALL native – no need to install any framework or component;
■ Delphi 2007 and newer – you don’t need the “IDE” xml component;
■ Delphi XE (third party XSLT
System Requirements:
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i5-4590
Memory: 8 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 or AMD Radeon R7 260X
Hard Drive: at least 16 GB available space
Processor: Intel Core i7-4790
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon RX 460
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